4588 Clancy Loranger Way, Vancouver, BC, V5Y 4B6 Canada / 604-874-2817
House, Practice & Game Rules, Club Bylaws
Page Navigation: Practice Rules Game Rules
If you are feeling unwell, please stay home.
Wear proper bowling shoes - with flat and smooth soles and no separation between heel and sole.
Players MUST NOT wear their bowling shoes on the street.
Clean your street shoes at the entrance. All the dirt you bring in will eventually be transferred to the bowling surface.
No eating or drinking beyond the yellow line.
All bags must be placed under the seats - fire department safety requirements.
Thick coats and wet clothing must be put on hangers beside Rink 6 or inside the locker room.
Do not leave personal belongings on the locker room floor. Items left will be removed and then disposed of after one week.
Any kind of wax/Grippo is not allowed as they will ruin the carpet.
Do not use liquid chalk on the bowls.
Do not put wet towels on the carpet.
Please don't leave empty coffee or water cups unattended as we don't have enough volunteers to clean up behind you.
To lower the cost of running PIBC, most of the work/chores are done by volunteers (we only hire a janitor to do some regular cleaning several times a week). Feel free to volunteer to help out. Please contact out Board members if you feel you can spare your precious time for the club.
Report immediately to a league convener or Board member if present, any leaks, safety or maintenance issues.
Unsportsmanlike behaviour will not be tolerated and violations will be reviewed by the Club's Executive Committee and may result in the non-refundable cancellation of the violating person's Club membership.
Practicing is not allowed during league play until all games on the same side of green (rinks 1-3 or 4-6) have concluded.
1. Time Limited Practice Sessions for Practice Outside of League Schedule
Session 1: 10:00am - 12:30pm (only when there is no league play)
Session 2: 12:30pm - 3:30pm
Session 3: 3:30pm – 6:15pm
Session 4: 7:00pm – 9:00pm
2. Transition Between Sessions
At the end of Practice Session 1 and Practice Session 2 all players must leave the green at 12:30 and 3:30 respectively, and remove their bowls from the rink.
Members who wish to continue practicing must WAIT FOR 15 MINUTES after the session START TIME to allow new arrivals to find a rink to practice on. If space allows, bowlers can then resume their practice on any rink that is not being used by the new arrivals.
Members who joined Practice Session 1 or 2 while in progress are considered to have practiced in that session—regardless of the amount of time they practiced—and must leave the green at the 12:30 or 3:30 and wait 15 minutes before resuming practice, if space allows.
Members arriving near the session end who want to practice in the next session MUST WAIT by sitting on the chairs until the 12:30 or 3:30 session start time.
3. Maximum Players per Rink is 8.
4. Assigning Rinks
Members arriving after the session start time can join any rink that isn’t full.
Monitors may assign members to rinks as necessary.
Players on the rinks need to cooperate with the monitor on duty.
5. Practice During the League Schedule Period
Tuesday 1:30pm Draw/Practice Session:
a) Rinks 4 to 6 are reserved for a self-organized draw.
b) After the draw session is completed, the rinks revert to practice rinks.
c) Rinks 1 to 3 can be used for practice from 12:45pm - 3:30pm.
NOTE: When the Saturday morning league is in progress (9:00am start), the Saturday practice session follows the league play from 11:30am – 1:30pm to enable more practice time for members. when the Saturday league is not scheduled. When league play is not on, regular practice session of 10:00am to 12:30pm is in effect.
Players are reminded that they need to sign in, and out, in the logbook for all practice sessions they attend and to print their names clearly.
Members who violate the above practice rules may be subject to disciplinary action by the Executive Committee.
No running on the greens.
No 'burnt ends' - jack is to be repositioned on 2-metre mark.
During pairs and triples games, in every end each skip can visit the head only once. Leads and seconds cannot visit the head.
Before you take a heavy shot (a firing or running shot), give proper notice to all bowlers at the other end so nobody will be hurt.
Do not shout or make excessive noise that will disturb other bowlers
Please keep the pace of the game at a reasonable speed to ensure the game is finished on time.
Only members can spare. A player can spare for another player in a league for a maximum of 4 games only.
A spare cannot skip without the permission of the opposing skip.
Club officials and game conveners are NOT responsible for finding spares.
If a spare cannot be found, contact the opposing skip to reschedule if possible. If a spare or rescheduling cannot be arranged, that team will default for zero points and minus 10 shots.
If there is no agreement between opposing players on a measurement, a third party is to be requested to measure. The decision of the third party is final.
Both players must walk to the head together.
During the course of every end, each team has only one chance to visit the head, no matter what position.
The team with 2 players - lead plays 4 bowls, skip plays 3 bowls
The team with 3 players - leads and second plays 2 bowls each, skip plays 3 bowls
Scoring - the team with 2 players needs to deduct 25% off their actual score.